This month, I am interviewing Sabrina Romero, a North Carolina based artist. She practices in Saluda, NC and is co-owner of eARThly minds Gallery. Her work incorporates natural items and themes.  I interviewed her to learn more about her inspiration, her background, and her story. See the interview and photos of her work below.

You can also find her nature inspired work at and contact her HERE.

Carolina: What inspires your work ?

Sabrina: My biggest inspiration stems from my children and my love for nature. She is our greatest artist and they are my biggest muse. My children have given me the strive, focus, and strength to believe in myself enough to take the leap of pursing my art full time. Nature is my religion, my peace, and my greatest inspiration.

Carolina: What’s your cultural background?

Sabrina: I was born and raised in Miami, Florida until I was about 15 years old. My mother and father were born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina and are first generation immigrants. My father’s family is from Argentina and my mother’s family has an Italian and German background.

Carolina: What are your hobbies outside of art?

Sabrina: I have a lot of hobbies, although they all revolve around nature and art. My first hobby as a kid was dance. I danced all through middle school. I would like to say dance was one of my first artistic expressions and it continues to be a big part of my life. Plants are a big part of my life as well, whether it’s out in my garden or inside my house. Tending to my plants brings me peace and little sparks of excitement through the days! Another big part of my life is foraging. I love learning more about nature and nature’s art which I incorporate in my work!