I was inspired to create an exhibit to bring light and attention to the works of talented Latinas and to be inspired by their work and spirit. This exhibit will run until January 2021. Please contact me if you’re interested in purchasing any of the pieces in the exhibit. I am honored to present some extremely talented and inspiring artistas Natacha Sochat, Valentina Varela, Martha Montoya, and myself. 



We live in a NeuroMorphic Universe – We are all connected.
“There is no doubt that art is a universal language that is greater than just connecting words and emotions.  It simultaneously links the artist and viewer through time and distance – fluidly straddling the space between Presence and Absence. Whether we are poetic, political, personal, spiritual, or simply just expressing our existence as an artist, we are bound to the actual experience of our process. The final object is my gift to you.” – Natacha Sochat.
I was born in NYC and have been bilingual from birth. I am the first born child of Puerto-Rican (Taino heritage) mother and a Cuban father (northern Spain heritage). I am very aware of the differences in cultural practices that all humans have and value our differences. In my work the personal is always included – references to being female, human, sister, wife, mother, healer, scientist, and multicultural, all influence its creation. Yet, for many decades, I have been very interested in what we share in common rather than what sets us apart. As a scientist I am aware that there is no such thing as race biologically. Race is a social construct that we have been indoctrinated to believe to set us apart. There is only one race and that is the Human race we are all part of. My work philosophically has always dealt with our connections rather than our constructed differences, allowing differences in style or life expression inherent in our developed ethnicities. Visual art is a language that can be read by any culture at any time as it is not limited by words. As a artist/scientist I have been very cognizant of the fractal nature of life as a whole and how the macroscopic is inexorably linked to the microscopic. I have used the face as a universal icon in much of my work. The face is the most powerful icon in all of our lives from the moment we are born to the time of our death. The patterns of life influence my work. The face and patterns create a complexity of ideas that are greater than each as a single entity. What unites us rather than separates us is what I plan to continue in my work. Coming Together – United We Stand will emerge as my conceptual message.
Natacha Villamia Sochat MD MFA

©Natacha Sochat, Self-Portrait With Tilted Glasses, Oil painting, 48″x36″, $3,250

©Natacha Sochat, NeuroMorphic Face with Tapestry, Oil painting, 32″x32″, $1,800

©Natacha Sochat, Vanessa, Oil painting, 48″x36″, $3,250


My name is Valentina Varela. I am a 21 year old Colombian artist. Art has always been part of my life but it became my passion almost 6 years ago. I’m currently studying digital media and architecture at UNCC. I like sculpting, painting, and digital media but mostly I do mix media.

I began working in my artwork at the beginning of this quarantine. My major inspiration has been me. I have been working on self love and to accept and know my feelings. My process has been just purely paying attention to my heart and what he is telling me and just express myself through the canvas.  My advice to other artists is to just be real with what you create don’t let influences or what is “trending” now influence your essence as an artist.

Valentina Varela
IG: valentina13varela

©Valentina Varela, Finding Myself, 16″x20″, Media Print, $120

©Valentina Varela, I Really Miss U, 16″x20″, Media Print, $120


For this exhibit I wanted to display work that emphasized my Mexican roots. I have been working on portraits of me and my family lately. Some of my favorite images are those of me dressed up in traditional clothing as a child. I find the clothes colorful, intricate, and cheerful. I love the detailed embroidery on the shirts and the colorful striped fabrics and ribbons, the beads, the plants, flowers, everything about my culture is dear to me. In addition, I included a sketch I created for a mural I will be working on for the Arts Park in the city of Winston Salem, NC. I focused on depicting a fiesta of colors with huge flowers and one of my favorite birds, El Colibri. Find more info about me at About the Artist

©Carolina Corona, De Indita, Colored Pencil Drawing, NFS

©Carolina Corona, Diciembre 12, Acrylic on Paper, NFS

©Carolina Corona, El Colibri Sketch, Marker on Paper, NFS


Mi nombre es Martha Montoya soy de México y vivo en Raleigh, NC. Tengo pintando desde 1980 aprendí por mi misma nunca fui a una escuela de arte. Amo el arte, soy una persona muy creativa, y me gusta seguir aprendiendo atraves de  otros medios. Empecé a trabajar en mí arte desde 1980. En 1978 hice mi primera pintura la tengo conmigo todavía. Mi mayor inspiración fue mi abuelo pues era pintor. Los pintores latinos que me han inspirado son Frida Kahlo, Salvador Dali, Picasso y otros más. Mi consejo a otros artistas es, que le sigan hechando ganas.

Facebook (Martha Montoya)
Instagram (MartikaDeras)

©Martha Montoya, Unnamed, 18″x24″, Oil Painting, $400

©Martha Montoya, Unnamed, 11″X14″, Oil Painting, $300